Thursday, January 28, 2010

My initial interest in Labor

I had an initial interest in the history of labor because my great grandfather was a fur coat factory plant owner and he was unlike many other factory owners back in that time and paid his employees fair wages and gave them a chance to support their family. I think that Labor is an interesting topic because as a modern day employee, i wonder how much work it took for the current eight dollar per hour minimum wage. Labor also seems like an interesting topic to learn about because especially now during our recession, labor is a very intense issue as almost one out of every ten Americans is unemployed. These labor situations are having a massive effect on the economy as well because without the employment of ten percent of Americans, less money is going back into the economy and this is a big reason our economy has gone down in the last year. This chain of events goes all the way back to labor, which makes me interested to learn more about labor and be in tune with the problems in society today.

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