Thursday, February 11, 2010

Analytical #3

In the news today, child labor, labor wages and Labor unions are the most important Labor issues. These issues are cycled around from every continent and argued maliciously by people who support and don’t support these issues or groups. In the United States, every single person has freedom of speech to say what they believe and because of this, there are many different ideas. With these topics, there will never be a resolution be merely arguing for the sense of arguing.
In the media today many people are not debating, but upset that child labor is still prevalent in the world. “In India there about 12.7 million child laborers and this increases by one million every decade.” This phenomenon is not right and is illegal in most countries around the world including India, which is the saddest part. Even though it is outlawed, people are still having children work for them in dangerous conditions for long hours. The story told of 12 year old whose identity has been kept secret, to ensure his safety, shows the terrible conditions one goes through during child labor. This one child was sold to a banker and has been doing manual labor for him for the past 6 years. Anything from scrubbing pots to cleaning rooms this boy would work on his hands and knees for hours a day. This is an example of a child who instead of being able to learn at school and obtain an education, he has to work all day in hard conditions as child labor.
In the news today, labor wages are becoming harder to manage as Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg plans to demand that teachers take smaller raises in their upcoming contracts, or else he and the city will be forced to cut 2,500 jobs from the teaching force. Due to the recession, people are asking for teachers to relinquish money so that they don't have cut jobs from hard working civilians. This sacrifice for teachers may not be possible as the fact that many teachers salaries as so low that they have to live on meats end and cannot afford to give up any extra money they will be receiving. This wage cut is affecting many people in the city of New York.
"With only 12 percent of U.S workers in unions, we can't afford to limit our numbers. We need to draw our strength from unity with migrant workers." In the news today, labor unions are telling mass immigrant workers to from large mass groups as it is one of the only ways that the people can get the wages that they truly deserve. Now though, people have a realization for what kind of wages they deserve and the mass organizations are one of the best ways to accomplish higher wages. This is having a humongous affect on all people as labor union workers are trying to, in this recession, receive the fair pay they deserve.
These issues are very important to the enitre country as they effect every single citizen. These are especially changing all the time because of the recession we are in. Hopefully we will all be able resolve these issues in time.


  1. I think this was your best piece of analysis. You spoke much more about the affect of the current affects today on your topic instead of just summarizing the way labor is shown in current events. You used a current example of the 12 year old boy and showed how it negatively affects the topic of child labor. You used more affective quotes to show ther points as well.

  2. So is anyone trying to stop this? Are there orangizations to keep this from happening? Good work here. I feel to make this even better to maybe use the example of the 12 year old boy and expand it more. Show why its so bad for him to work, the reasons why it is wrong. YOu said because he doesn't get an education but what else is there to child labor that makes it so bad?
