Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Current Event #3: Prevailing Wage law would deter development

In Pittsburgh, new measures are being taken as the government is near passing a new law which could give many architects and developers a reason to re-think building in Pittsburgh. The new law could give up to three dollars an hour more than the eight dollar wage, to workers that are working on developments while being built. This law is supposed to help workers who have families have an easier time supporting their families. This may also keep work away from these people though, as developers may not want to pay these new wages to workers. This is very similar to the labor wages problems in the 1800's as many people were trying to gain more money so that they can better support their families. This is only going to support the economy because the more money the workers make, the more they can spend in the economy and help us get out of this recession. This was a problem also back in the 1800's until the labor unions finally won and granted the workers who do the jobs most of us would never even dream of , the money they deserved for the hard labor they accomplished every day and the lard labor that kept our country going.

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