Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Current Event #4: Labor Unions and Immigrant workers must support each other

"With only 12 percent of U.S workers in unions, we can't afford to limit our numbers. We need to draw our strength from unity with migrant workers." This article talks about how though in the past the U.S labor unions have tried to stay away from encouraging people to have mass immigration, fearing that people would accept wages that were lower than they deserved. Now, labor unions are telling mass immigrant workers to from large mass groups as it is one of the only ways that the people can get the wages that they truly deserve. This directly connects to the fact that many people back in the 1800's would make mass groups and settle for wages that were lower than the wages they deserved. Now though, people have a realization for what kind of wages they deserve and the mass organizations are one of the best ways to accomplish higher wages. By doing this i think that laborers have the greatest chance to receive the wages that are fair and that they deserve.

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